Saturday, October 29, 2011

Its Logical!

The mouse has to be one of the most important tool in PC gamers arsenal. There are advantages and disadvantages of everyone mouse. Step one if you are using your laptops touch screen mouse pad please STOP! go spend 20 for an ok mouse so you won't suffer beatings on a regular basis!


Now personally I like to use logitech mouses for one reason really they are cheaper. They work find and I would really recommend any logitech mouse they are good quality.

But if you want to have the lowest reaction rate you better to get ready to spend some money. Razor mouses are the top of the line almost all professional PC gamers use the mouses and Razor sponsors a lot of different PC games. They look awesome but they start at $80.00! 

If you want the best though you have to pay for it. But I recommend the good  old fashion logitech built strong and if someone breaks or steals it you would be less likely to beat their face in.

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