Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In a League of Its Own

League of Legends or LOL. is anything, but a joke. It is the best free to play MMORTS. It is very competitive and has a steep learning curve. Which its tutorial helps to solves some otherwise if you are new to LOL you will suffer and just get murdered. I know that from experience. There are also several maps that will be needed to be learn for full strategical WIN!

LOL has playable characters called champions and they have over 75 of them all with a different skills for different strategies. So use the free trial champions to figure out your play style before you spend you game points on a champion that doesn't suit you. 

Nunu one of LOL champions

LOL also just recently won a Golden Joystick Award for best free to play so you know it means business. If you don't like to strategize and just like hacking and slashing this game really isn't for you. However once you learn the basics and played for a few hours it definitely  becomes fun.

Screen shot of LOL

Overall I give League of Legends a 4.5 out of 5 it does what it sets out to do and is in my opinion one of the best MMORTS games available. So LOL has the Yeti approval and is very chill.

Sign up for League of Legends: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/

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